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Petland Topeka, Kansas
August 23, 2021
Your pup probably tags along when you go to the kitchen and looks longingly while you eat.Our digestive system differs from theirs, and this makes some food that is perfectly safe for us, bad for them. But not all of it is, matter of fact, some human foods would do them a world of good.So, here are 7 food items that are safe for your dog, and they will absolutely love too:
Fish is a great source of protein for dogs; Salmon, tuna, and shrimp are perfectly safe.Omega-3 fatty acids, found in tuna and salmon serve to boost the immune system and maintain coat and skin health.Shrimp supplies B vitamins that aids improved blood circulation and are beneficial to the digestive system too.Before giving your pup fish, ensure that it is thoroughly cooked to kill any parasites.
Giving your pup the occasional unsalted peanut butter that has no sweeteners or added sugar is safe.Peanut butter can be a good source of protein, niacin, vitamins E and B as well as healthy fats.Ensure that you’re not giving your pup peanut butter that has the sweetener xylitol. It is toxic to dogs and if you suspect that your pup has mistakenly ingested some, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Baby carrots are the perfect crunchy snack for your pet. They are a haven of vitamin A which helps boost the immune system and maintains the coat and skin.In addition, they are good for your pup’s dental health and help get rid of plaque on the teeth.Excess vitamin A can be pretty toxic, so moderation is the key here.
You would probably expect that dairy products are a total no-no, but that’s not the case.Small quantities of cheese, milk and plain yogurt are good for your pup.They cannot ingest a lot because they have low levels of the digestive enzyme lactase needed in the breakdown of sugar present in milk.
Note: if your pet is lactose intolerant, then you should avoid giving them dairy products. How to know your pet is lactose intolerant? Vomiting or diarrhea after ingesting dairy.
Your pup needs high water content, and watermelons can help keep hydration levels high. It also contains vitamins A, C, and B-6.Before feeding your pup with watermelon, ensure to remove the rind first, because it can cause an upset stomach.The seeds, when ingested, can block the intestines, so you should get rid of those too.
Yes, dogs can eat eggs, even scrambled eggs. If you’re boiling the eggs, ensure that they are thoroughly boiled to avoid salmonella.Eggs are a great protein source, but that’s not all they also supply selenium and riboflavin. Selenium aids improved immune function while riboflavin improves digestion.Just remember, no seasoning!
Sliced apples are a good source of vitamins A, C, and high fiber content.Before giving your dog apples, ensure you take out the core and seeds, they can serve as a choking hazard.Apple slices also improve dental health. They get rid of residue on your pup’s teeth and of course, there’s the benefit of fresh breath too.